From September 11, 2005 to November 4, 2007
Brisbane, Gold Coast and more Queensland, Australia.
Well, my room in Macgregor, QLD. Usually I stay in this small room except going school. I might study books, write some fucking essays, sleep, have my meals, watch House / other movies and be Ernie Lin's personal psychologist...for two years.
Because I did not buy oil when I lived in BNE, I could just roast something to be my food. Roast Chicken is one of my favorite cusines cooked by myself. Usually I may clean the chicken first and then make the chicken soft... then I can add a bit of soy sauce, coke, and Thai sweet and spicy sauce to roast the chicken...
I guess that my dessert is awesome as well!!! How I really like Choco-Mint Ice cream!!! Therefore I just add some cool mint cookies with milk...The drink would be a bit of similar as ice cream.... But ... Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmy!!!!
Trust me, it is a very positive way to take care of our earth. |
The way from my room to the bus stop. It is a miracle bus stop... Sometimes I may sit there for almost one hour with no bus... |
This is a bridge connecting between South Bank and QUT Garden Point Campus... But I did not know it until my 2nd year at QUT... @@ |
The way in front of QUT... I like it that because of the purple tree... so charming!!! |
Rola, Meiling Chen and I. Rola was a dentist before studying in Australia. Most of her family members are doctors. Meiling Chen, of course she is a good girl as an idiot. I... am not really important, haha...^^" |
The new building on KG campus of QUT... and the building plan is not finished yet... I guess it would be finished after two or three years... |
U can guess that... I like gummy candy!!!! Right, I really fascinate with these kinds of sweets... If u may find the coffee beans, pls try it, I really love it!!! About Gummi Fried Eggs, I should thank to the cute bear, Jenny Chou... She bought me that candy, then I got to know that... I need to try something new... |
After finishing my essay, I might meet this tutor for grammar correction. I liked to discuss some issues with him when he corrected my essays. For example... where will u go during your summer vacation? / do u believe god? / how's ur friend's festival event...
By the way, he had a beatuiful buddha as which my family owned before. Haha, could be interesting!!!
QUT's computer classroom. Usually you may see lots of students here to do their assignments... However, one day I went to the room alone... I could open the mp3 player and then ... have a party!!! It is my showtime!!! |
hahahahahahahahahahh.... >____________< |
...。In my opinion, I do not think of that the Brisbane Square Library is a cool will not be a representative building to develop the reputation of this city... but... well, not my business... |
The Cultural Centre would be a new cool scene for most of travelers in Brisbane... A bit of small, but not bad ^^"
Although I am the museum killer when I travel in every city... but it is really ridiculous that I visited those museums/ galleries around Cultural Centre before the day leaving for Taiwan... Whatever, I finished them before coming back to Taiwan... |
This work is not hard to do... but creative, meaningful....Sunrise and sunset may be one of reasons which people live in the world... |
City Cat is the best transportation I've taken until now.... I like to stand on the dock and wind would kiss on me...
SEOUL Korean BBQ... Only two things you need to be mentioned... The first one is to sit near Ernie Lin as you can. The second one is to prepare to clean all pickles as soon and then ask for new pickles... |
A mail to sone...
今天因為大學同學來當backpacker~ 所以盡了地主之誼當了他一天的苦力 @@
中午 ,我帶他去吃我最愛的Elizabeth Arcade的Kadoya(日本料理店)... 菜還沒上來前,我看別桌的牆上有roach... 我就在想,什麼時候那桌的兩個女生會叫... 不到十秒,果然叫了起來,女生還不敢從桌子內側走出來.. 我看了女生的朋友,一個大男生,竟然張大嘴然後沒動作~ 我叫我朋友上去幫忙捉一下... 然後他....他給我跑去找clerk @@
結果當Kadoya的男店員帶著一疊厚厚的衛生紙出來殺生的時候~ 我已經送小強回老家了.. 一捉,一踩... Kadoya就請我兩罐可樂和然後說無限的Curry Sauce和Meat... 而且整個廚房的人都和我說謝謝~ @@ 可惜我身上沒插國旗... 下次不知道會不會又在別的店裡遇到Roach耶~ 還滿期待的~ (飄走~)
Roma Street Parkland is a cool park... U may meet some experts decorating the park by flowers or plants. It is a completely new experience to observe how people create a new public place... |
Jacaranda, my favorite plant in Brisbane, or Australia... |
Absolutely she does not need any name brand to decorate her body. She is a princess, I kneel on my mind.
I considered buying her a puppet... this one may be too childish to fit her smile... |
A little princess. |
How to enjoy a beach? If you cannot swim or surf... Trust me, pls just take off ur your shoes and stride on it, the beach would tell to you via tide... |
A small stage in Powerhouse.... It is too bad that I did not visit their funny show yet.... |
I cannot forget this night... The girl called me and asked why it is good to be loved... She should not know that her word made me from hell to paradise... I really wanna to be her support forever even I told her that she should be strong and be an individual girl...However, pls dont query me about where I am... I have no idea... |
Portside, a new district near Brisbane city...but...... |
Ring! Ring! Ring!... I admit that I did not know what the fucking bell was until the day cute Ernie bought his icecream in the morning... |
Brisbane's Botanic Garden.... not good enough after comparing with Sydney or Melbourne's garden... However sometimes I still crossed it to QUT Garden Point campus. |
There are some Westfield department stores in QLD... Because most of them were built within ten or twenty years... they are pretty new and beautiful...^^" I spent one day to visit three or four Westfield chain stores... differnet architecture designs but similar stores... @@ |
Exactly I really wanna know how to play balloons... |
Steven, Edison, Ernie and Kevin. U can also call them... 芬芬, 軟屌, 妮妮, 酒女小文... Ernie iss my landlord's son, to some extent... he is as my brother. Thanks for many his invitations to let me meet some friends...(most of them are male...) May all of them be happy always... |
Queen Street, the most popular street in Brisbane CBD... This Hungry Jack could be the most famous one in QLD....I guess so...^^" |
I think, therefore I am. |
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